React Native E-commerce app

Created At: 2023-07-28 18:42:11 Updated At: 2023-11-09 20:56:20

React Native E-commerce app some issues you may have encountered. Let's see how to solve them. 

Not getting cart item title in the flatlist

To solve it

remove the brackets around the title

Not getting any data in the cartscreen

After getting the response, we are accessing the products[0].products and we should set the product data to the state variable for it to be accessible outside of our hook by calling the function setData().

Font family medium

ERROR fontFamily "medium" is not a system font and has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync.

The solution to this is 

npx expo install expo-font@~11.1.1 react-native@0.71.14 addin this upgrade. 


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