Flutter Multi Vendor app for grocery store, restaurant app, food delivery and e-commerce app. This app is designed to be scalable and a template for following purpose. This app course is suitiable or could be used as system design.
Multi Vendor V3.9.0 includes complete loyalty programs!!
You may use it for
1. food delivery app
2. grocery app
3. e-commerce app
4. shop app or clothes app
5. accessory app
6. system design course
Because it has different panels like for users, vendor and super admin panel. This also comes with a carrier boy or delivery boy app. You have to get the source for each section differently.
Buy source code and get free access to Udemy course. You have to buy at least one of the two below items (End user or Vendor App) to get free access to Udemy to get free access to all Udemy course of this project.
If you are not planning to buy the source code, then you need to buy all the three parts of it.
Delivery app from buymeacoffee
Restapi and payment server from buymeacoffee
Super admin panel from buymeacoffee
Get the course on Udemy part 1
Get the course on Udemy part 2
Flutter multi vendor app package basic
Flutter multi vendor app package standard
Flutter multi vendor app package premium
All the four panels are done developing and we may add new features in future. Once you buy the app source code, you will get continuous update from the given link. To make the app completely functional, you need to buy all the parts.
Technology Stack
1. Nodejs Express framework for rest api
2. Backend database MongoDB
3. Flutter for User, Vendor, Delivery and Super admin app
4. Firebase for notifications
5. Nodemailer for sending emails
Project Features
1. End user app (includes chatting feature)
2. Vendor app (incldues chatting feature)
3. Admin app
4. Delivery boy app
All the above technologies like Nodejs, MongoDB and Flutter for modern scalable and beautiful app.
End User App Features
1. Email verification login
2. Phone number verification for order process
3. Locate user's location
4. Nearby restaurants or shop and order products
5. Choose variety of options of products during product or food placement
6. Use address or default address for shipment
7. Find popular food or products
8. Search food based on given category
9. Search items based on user intention
10. View orders and history
11. Stripe payment features
12. Receive notification for orders process from restaurants
13. Await on verification process
14. Deleting account
15. Send feedback from the user end to admin panel
16. Chatting between user and restaurant
Vendor App Features
1. Email verification login
2. Waiting to be approved
3. Search address in google map
4. Upload restaurant logo and cover photo
5. Create tags for food
6. Upload food detail like name, price, tax, ingredients
7. Upload food images
8. Receive orders
9. Dispatch orders to delivery boy
10. See uploaded products or food
11. View orders and history
12. Request payment from Admin
13. Manage orders (pending, confirmed, processing, deliverying)
14. Chatting with user
15. Sales chart
Delivery App Features
1. Accept orders
2. Cancel orders
3. View finished orders
Admin App Features
1. Verifiy restaurants
2. Cancel restaurants
3. View all the orders
4. View all the users
5. Confirm restaurants transactions
6. Create food categories
7. View drivers
8. View feedback from users
Installation guide
Go to the link for complete installation guide. We are updating the guide as we are working more.
Multi vendor app installation guide
We have a missing section for youtube at time line https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHlVuQpy8B4
It's the custom_app, reustable_text, app_style
Upcoming features
1. Multi level chatting with drivers, users and vendors at the same time (Would be added on V4.0.0)
2. Add booking features of Restaurant (V4.0.0 or above)
3. Add Restaurant web panel (V4.0.0 or above)
Change log
30. 06-10-24 Big update on loyalty programs and complete management
29. 28-09-24 Added promotional features on user app and loyalty programs
28. 21-09-24 Added Paystack payment and version V3.3.3 released
27. 20-09-24 Major updates on Cart and added new features
26. 17-09-24 Major bug fixes on payment and cart selection
25. 10-09-24 Some bug fix and added network checking capability (V3.2.4)
24. 04-08-24 Added earnings data display chart on Driver's side
23. 30-07-24 Google map accuracy and bug fixing on Driver's side
22. 29-07-24 Sales chart for vendors (daily, montly and yearly)
21. 20-07-24 Added chatting features for user and restaurant
20. 17-07-2024 Update UI & google map
19. 01-05-2024 Upgrade to V2.0.1 with robut features like multi level notifications
18. 18-03-2024 Added dynamic location to profile page(V1.1.9)
17. 17-03-2024 Added rating features
16. 10-03-2024 Added feedback features
15. 15-02-2024 Updated address on home page and update on phone verification
14. 10-02-2024 Released Admin app
13. 12-01-2024 Added phone verification and notifications
12. 03-01-2024 Updated correct distance mapping from restaurant and user app
11. 02-01-2024 Updated user location, better address form and overflow issue (V1.0.5)
10. 14-12-2023 Updated awaiting page on user app
9. 13-12-2023 Updated installation guide
8. 12-12-2023 Updated Restaurant app (registration and waiting)
7. 10-12-2023 Phone number verification
6. 08-12-2023 Email verification
5. 07-12-2023 Restaurant app released (first version)
4. 05-12-2023 Delivery boy app released (first version)
3. 04-12-2023 Update google map accuracy for location selection
2. 02-12-2023 Order screen update with status like pending, successful, cancel
1. 01-12-2023 First version User end (first version V1.0.1)
2024-10-03 18:37:53
Yes, I purchased the code.
Pls send me a message on buymeacoffee
2024-10-01 14:35:17
I request you to please update the code as early as possible as i want to publish it by 10 oct.
did you buy the complete code?
2024-10-01 14:32:51
cart items are not getting deleted/remove. phone number adding option missing. please update the code and add one "cash on delivery" payment method. Add the notification in restaurant app, so when user place the order the notification should go to that restaurant. Also notification in driver app, so when the order is ready to pick the notification should go on the driver app.
2024-08-30 00:21:39
Bro can you grant me access to the file i just made a purchase
2024-08-17 08:17:02
can i reskin and publish it for my business?
Yes, you can use for your own business and but not allowed to resell the code.
2024-08-17 08:17:02
can i reskin and publish it for my business?
yes, you can. and but you can not resell
2024-08-07 16:08:16
"Package price for the system" is it contain all of this below items: End user from buymeacoffee Delivery app from buymeacoffee Vendor app from buymeacoffee Restapi and payment server from buymeacoffee Super admin panel from buymeacoffee Get the course on Udemy part 1 Get the course on Udemy part 2
This has all the code.
2024-08-07 16:08:11
"Package price for the system" is it contain all of this below items: End user from buymeacoffee Delivery app from buymeacoffee Vendor app from buymeacoffee Restapi and payment server from buymeacoffee Super admin panel from buymeacoffee Get the course on Udemy part 1 Get the course on Udemy part 2
It has all the code. You should buy it now since the price will go high next week.
2024-06-26 15:57:23
Does the Udemy course has the full course. All four apps, it is part of part 1 and 2 of Udemy course? If I buy the two Udemy course, will I learn how to create all apps?
udemy has two parts. rest you may need to check from the code. The code is complete.
2024-06-17 20:42:24
if i buy all apps driver , user , vendor and admin how i install them?
I think you already bought it.
2024-05-17 05:30:48
check your email
2024-05-17 05:05:53
dbestech I have already made the payment, what's next? payment id command : Id. de transacción 45564694UE721194P
2024-05-17 02:40:31
Try using paypal paypal dylan@dbestinfo.com
2024-05-16 23:39:25
I am trying to buy the flutter multivendor promotion but the transaction is rejected. help me . please
2024-05-16 03:28:49
paypal dylan@dbestinfo.com