Commonly used libraries in React Native

Created At: 2022-03-12 08:30:22 Updated At: 2022-03-12 08:30:22
loadash -- some functions are not supported in lower version systems.
performance-now -- More professional, specifically testing execution time
moment -- tool for managing dates and times
react-native-code-push -- hot update component
react-native-i18n -- internationalization components
react-native-device-info -- device info
bugsnag-react-native && react-native-sentry -- bug collection tool for rn former charges
crypto-js -- encryption tool
libphonenumber-js -- mobile phone number verification library
lottie-react-native -- animation library
numeral -- format the number
react-native-animatable -- animations
react-native-fetch-blob -- image upload
react-native-popup-menu -- menu popup component
react-native-progress -- progress bar
react-native-render-html -- html convert native view component
react-native-root-siblings -- floating interface
react-native-sound -- sound
react-native-video -- video playback
react-native-view-shot -- screenshot component
react-static-container --
rnkit-actionsheet-picker -- Picker
react-native-carousel carousel
react-native-countdown countdown
react-native-fileupload file upload
react-native-side-menu sidebar
react-native-viewpager paged browsing
react-native-tab-navigator bottom or top navigation frame (not swipeable)
react-native-touch-id fingerprint
jpush-react-native Aurora Push
react-native-simple-router Simple routing jump framework
react-native-storage persistent storage
react-native-sortable-listview Category ListView
react-native-easy-toast A simple and easy to use Toast component
react-native-rn-cacheimage image cache component


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