Flutter BLoC App - Complete Tutorial

Created At: 2022-10-31 23:08:17 Updated At: 2023-01-31 22:33:41

Flutter BLoC App - Complete Tutorial covers everything you need to about Flutter BLoC state management. This tutorial covers a lot of advanced topic of BLoC. More topics about BLoC tutorial is covered here.

Previously we built a beautiful travel app using Flutter BLoC . We also have complete app using BLoC with backend.

From here on we covered more advanced concepts and do advanced CRUD operation using BLOC

The BLoC topic I have covered

  1. BLoC / Cubit State Management
  2. BlocProvider
  3. MultiBlocProvider
  4. HydratedCubit
  5. HydratedStorage
  6. HydratedBlocOverrides

First we started with BlocProvider, as we created more blocs we changed BlocProvider with MultiBlocProvider. MultiBlocProvider takes a list of BlocProviders.

We have created a few classes state for storing our BloCs or Cubits. Those Cubits contains methods. Instead of using events we have used methods from the UI to trigger emitting new states.

We created models to load json data using BLoC. Our json data is nested data. During data loading process we triggered a new state and then we saved the data in List. 

This List becomes the center of CRUD operation.

Throughout this app, we updated beginning time, exrcise title, end time and prelude. Then later, we introduced hydrated cubit or bloc to make our data persistent.

The above concepts are covered for building full-fledge app using BLoC/Cubit. In the video tutorial. I have covered all the concepts step by step. If you finish the video tutorial with complete source code, you will master BLoC like a pro since it's everything you need to know about Flutter BLoC

  1. Loading JSON Data
  2. Storing JSON locally
  3. Edit data and save in the storage
  4. Edit any loaded data
  5. Save edited data
  6. Adding new data
  7. Save settings
  8. Play audio
  9. Pause activity
  10. Resume activity
  11. Logging info in the app
  12. Download and save files to local directory of the mobile
  13. Delete info from the app

For youtube fans starter code

BLoC App

Get the complete source code here

Complete BLoC App - Buymecoffee Link

Complete BLoc App - Patreon Link


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