JavaScript indexOf function

Created At: 2021-03-25 15:41:04 Updated At: 2021-03-26 03:37:58

In this tutorial, you learn how to use Javascript indexOf function with examples.

Must know about IndexOf() method

1. Using this you can find substring position inside a string or inside an array

2. This function returns -1 if the substring position not found inside string

3. Returns the index position if the substring is found at first occurence.

4. It's a case sensitive function. It means small and capital letters are treated differently. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
        JavaScript indexOf Method
        let str ="I am a blogger"
        let subString="a"

        let index=str.indexOf(subString)

The above script returns 2 as the index position.

It's a case-sensitive function, which means uppercase letters and lowercase letters are treated differently. 

Let's see another example

<!DOCTYPE html>
        JavaScript indexOf Method
        let str ="JavaScript a cool language"
        let subString="java"

        let index=str.indexOf(subString)

The console log will output -1 since, it can not find the sub-string "java" in it. The main string has "Java" not "java", which proves it a case-sensitive function

Let's see another example. In this example we use an array of objects.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        JavaScript indexOf Method
      let fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];
      let index = fruits.indexOf("Apple");

The above JavaScript code would print 2 on the console. 

So indexOf returns an index position from a string or an array objects. If it can not find it returns -1.


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