Flutter Live Course

Created At: 2024-02-02 06:27:17 Updated At: 2024-04-17 01:07:23

Here is the live course for your Flutter programming skills. This is course dedicated and delivered live for the programmers who need urgent help and at the same want to learn the best practices and clear away confusions.

Covered topics in the live session

  1. Complex widget features
  2. Complex ui deisgn principles
  3. Statemanagent problems with GetX/Riverpod/Provider/BLoC
  4. MVC architecture
  5. Clean architecture
  6. Flutter TDD (test driven development)
  7. Best Flutter programming practices
  8. Flutter & Firebase & Nodejs & Laravel

Who this live session for 

  1. Confused about feature implementation
  2. Answers not found in the web
  3. Want to know more about clean architecture
  4. Want to know more about TDD(test driven developement)
  5. Flutter specific issues
  6. Got stuck in job or work related Flutter problems

Live session duration

The duration for each live session is 60 minutes. Each time maximum 20 members are allowed to join the session. This session is hold each month on the last wednesday China, Beijing time 10:30 pm. You would join through Google meet or Zoom.

Before every session you would be given a link forward for joining the session.


This is a 2 months membership programs. To sign up for this program you need to pay on buymeacoffe link. It's a 5 dollars one time fee for the 2 months.


To join this live session you need to send emails regarding your problem on this email dylandbestech@gmail.com at least 24 hours ahead once you made the membership payment. 


Once you have paid, you can also ask us additional 10 questions about your tech enquiries through emails.


Twitter/Instagram/Linkedin @dbestech



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