Slugs are important when it comes to seo friendly url. We will see how to use slugs for url instead of ID.
First you need to create a column name "slug" in your database column related to post or articles.
When you post an article to your database, you should send strings for your slug. You can have any custom slug column or use your article or post's title as slug.
In your model class(each post or article controller should have a model), insert the below function
public function getRouteKeyName(){
//slug is a string and this string is the column in your database you created.
return "slug";
slug is a string and this string is the column in your database you created
Route::get("/{slug}", "ArticleController@detail");
Replace the controller as your own controller name.
In your controller method, you need to route model binding. Route model binding is injecting model object in the parameter of the controller method.
public function detail(Article $slug)
return view('detail',[ 'article'=>$slug]);
In this case I am using Article as model object. We created an object name $slug from Article model. Using this $slug object we can access the slug from the database.
Now we need to use the $slug object in blade. It will reflect as article in the blade
<a href="/{{$article->slug}}">