Used getx to build this powerful app. It includes all the features of Getx.
Master Flutter Riverpod 2.0 along with the legacy version. You will master StateNotifier, StateNotifierProvider and 2.0 latest features.
Learn how to do networking in flutter using dio. Dio package provides a way to handle http network get, post request and response and interceptors.
Flutter addPostFrameCallback and SchedulerBinding. We will see what they are and when and how to sue them.
Learn about Flutter ScrollController and see how to use correctly animate, jumpTo, maxScrollIntent, minScrollIntent
We will learn about CustomScrollView and Slivers and why they are important. We will also different kind of slivers and SliverToBoxAdaptor
Let's see how to query firestore subcollection in firebase. We will use flutter dart code to do it. It's also same as get documents by field
Let's understand the top level function and how to use them in flutter
Here I would be sharing with you about flutter local notification android set up and issues. Here I covered some of the set up and issues with iOS and Android