Flutter Getx Course Selling App


Getx is the most beginners friendly and quick to develop state management system. That's why I have build this course selling app using Getx. It also has BLoC and Riverpod version.

See the UI

App features

  1. onboard screen
  2. email login
  3. social media login
  4. viewing course
  5. play video course
  6. upload course from backend
  7. view multiple teachers couse
  8. buy course on the front end
  9. stripe payment
  10. super admin panel
  11. teacher admin panel
  12. chatting feature

Source code

You may get the source code from the link below. Buymecoffee link

This source code just includes code with Getx. You may also get the code of BLoC and Riverpod. To do it, go to the top and click on the corresponding link.

Other features

Other features of this app, you may get from the link below. BLoC, Getx and Riverpod versions all include the same feature with backend.

Other features

Deployment guide

Separate teacher's from super admin


  • The resources on this site are only for downloaders to learn IT programming and development technology. Please abide by national laws and regulations and are strictly prohibited from being used for illegal purposes.
  • If it is for commercial use, please purchase the genuine version.
  • If the source code of this site infringes upon your rights, please contact us by email to delete it and we will deal with it in time!


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