Agora and PHP Integration

Created At: 2023-02-02 16:50:02 Updated At: 2023-02-02 18:12:32

Agora provides great video and audio call service for real time communication. It also provides a great documentation. Apart from many other populpar languages it helps with PHP integration. In my recent Flutter chat app in the backend I have used this one for communication. 

Here I will show you, how my app end point, work collected and used these information. Make sure your end point is working.

For integrating Agora with PHP, Agora needs some information or data from your backend service. It needs

  1. app ID
  2. app certifcate
  3. channel name
  4. user ID

App ID and Certificate

Actually all these are very basic information and you can get the first three in Agora console. Watch the video below to know how to get them.

Well, once you have app ID from Agora console, you need to put in your PHP code. You need to do the same for app certifcate. 

You may go to the above screen from overview->config

Channel name

There are two ways you can do channel name. First way, you can generate a channel name for your application and send it to your end point. And then send the channel name back to Agora for identifying.

Second way, you can generate a channel name in the back end and then send the it to front end application and to Agora as well.

I would go with the first way, since it requires less communication. Otherwise you have to create another two end points for backend.

User ID

I am going to set it 0, since ti's really not that important. Agora will assign auto user ID for the two people in the chatting room if you don't provide any.

PHP end point

Let's look at the end point. This end point I call from Flutter front end


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class AccessTokenController extends Controller
    public function get_rtc_token(Request $request){
      //  $token = $request->user_token;
        $channelName = $request->input("channel_name");
        $appID = "e11666dd3c4346568b67b80823bcca50";
        $appCertificate = "adc4eede27864e77977574a9ac652338";
       // $channelName = $token;
        $uid = 0;
        //$uidStr = "2882341273";
        //the logest time to chat or video
        $expireTimeInSeconds = 7200; //2 hour
        $accessToken = new AccessToken2($appID, $appCertificate, $expireTimeInSeconds);
        $serviceRtc = new ServiceRtc($channelName, $uid);
        $serviceRtc->addPrivilege($serviceRtc::PRIVILEGE_JOIN_CHANNEL, $expireTimeInSeconds);
        $token = $accessToken->build();
       // echo 'Token with RTC privileges: ' . $token . PHP_EOL;
          return ["code" => 0, "data" => $token, "msg" => "success"];  
        return ["code" => -1, "data" => "", "msg" => "token error"];


In the end point there are a few other variables for solution. You see $expireTimeInSeconds, it shows how long the communication can continue between two users in a chat room.

Then you will see AccessToken2() and ServiceRtc() classes. They are coming from Agora SDK. Just go ahead and copy the below code and put in the same file as your Controller. These two classes need the app ID, channel nanme(ID), app certificate and user ID. 

See the above end point to understand how these data is passed down to Agora services. Simply speaking Agora creates access token based on the above four information and sends back to agora server.

class Service
    public $type;
    public $privileges;

    public function __construct($serviceType)
        $this->type = $serviceType;

    public function addPrivilege($privilege, $expire)
        $this->privileges[$privilege] = $expire;

    public function getServiceType()
        return $this->type;

    public function pack()
        return Util::packUint16($this->type) . Util::packMapUint32($this->privileges);

    public function unpack(&$data)
        $this->privileges = Util::unpackMapUint32($data);

class ServiceRtc extends Service
    const SERVICE_TYPE = 1;
    public $channelName;
    public $uid;

    public function __construct($channelName = "", $uid = "")
        $this->channelName = $channelName;
        $this->uid = $uid;

    public function pack()
        return parent::pack() . Util::packString($this->channelName) . Util::packString($this->uid);

    public function unpack(&$data)
        $this->channelName = Util::unpackString($data);
        $this->uid = Util::unpackString($data);

class ServiceRtm extends Service
    const SERVICE_TYPE = 2;
    const PRIVILEGE_LOGIN = 1;
    public $userId;

    public function __construct($userId = "")
        $this->userId = $userId;

    public function pack()
        return parent::pack() . Util::packString($this->userId);

    public function unpack(&$data)
        $this->userId = Util::unpackString($data);

class ServiceFpa extends Service
    const SERVICE_TYPE = 4;
    const PRIVILEGE_LOGIN = 1;

    public function __construct()

    public function pack()
        return parent::pack();

    public function unpack(&$data)

class ServiceChat extends Service
    const SERVICE_TYPE = 5;
    const PRIVILEGE_USER = 1;
    const PRIVILEGE_APP = 2;
    public $userId;

    public function __construct($userId = "")
        $this->userId = $userId;

    public function pack()
        return parent::pack() . Util::packString($this->userId);

    public function unpack(&$data)
        $this->userId = Util::unpackString($data);

class ServiceEducation extends Service
    const SERVICE_TYPE = 7;
    const PRIVILEGE_ROOM_USER = 1;
    const PRIVILEGE_USER = 2;
    const PRIVILEGE_APP = 3;

    public $roomUuid;
    public $userUuid;
    public $role;

    public function __construct($roomUuid = "", $userUuid = "", $role = -1)
        $this->roomUuid = $roomUuid;
        $this->userUuid = $userUuid;
        $this->role = $role;

    public function pack()
        return parent::pack() . Util::packString($this->roomUuid) . Util::packString($this->userUuid) . Util::packInt16($this->role);

    public function unpack(&$data)
        $this->roomUuid = Util::unpackString($data);
        $this->userUuid = Util::unpackString($data);
        $this->role = Util::unpackInt16($data);

class AccessToken2
    const VERSION = "007";
    const VERSION_LENGTH = 3;
    public $appCert;
    public $appId;
    public $expire;
    public $issueTs;
    public $salt;
    public $services = [];

    public function __construct($appId = "", $appCert = "", $expire = 900)
        $this->appId = $appId;
        $this->appCert = $appCert;
        $this->expire = $expire;
        $this->issueTs = time();
        $this->salt = rand(1, 99999999);

    public function addService($service)
        $this->services[$service->getServiceType()] = $service;

    public function build()
        if (!self::isUUid($this->appId) || !self::isUUid($this->appCert)) {
            return "";

        $signing = $this->getSign();
        $data = Util::packString($this->appId) . Util::packUint32($this->issueTs) . Util::packUint32($this->expire)
            . Util::packUint32($this->salt) . Util::packUint16(count($this->services));

        foreach ($this->services as $key => $service) {
            $data .= $service->pack();

        $signature = hash_hmac("sha256", $data, $signing, true);

        return self::getVersion() . base64_encode(zlib_encode(Util::packString($signature) . $data, ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE));

    public function getSign()
        $hh = hash_hmac("sha256", $this->appCert, Util::packUint32($this->issueTs), true);
        return hash_hmac("sha256", $hh, Util::packUint32($this->salt), true);

    public static function getVersion()
        return self::VERSION;

    public static function isUUid($str)
        if (strlen($str) != 32) {
            return false;
        return ctype_xdigit($str);

    public function parse($token)
        if (substr($token, 0, self::VERSION_LENGTH) != self::getVersion()) {
            return false;

        $data = zlib_decode(base64_decode(substr($token, self::VERSION_LENGTH)));
        $signature = Util::unpackString($data);
        $this->appId = Util::unpackString($data);
        $this->issueTs = Util::unpackUint32($data);
        $this->expire = Util::unpackUint32($data);
        $this->salt = Util::unpackUint32($data);
        $serviceNum = Util::unpackUint16($data);

        $servicesObj = [
            ServiceRtc::SERVICE_TYPE => new ServiceRtc(),
            ServiceRtm::SERVICE_TYPE => new ServiceRtm(),
            ServiceFpa::SERVICE_TYPE => new ServiceFpa(),
            ServiceChat::SERVICE_TYPE => new ServiceChat(),
            ServiceEducation::SERVICE_TYPE => new ServiceEducation(),
        for ($i = 0; $i < $serviceNum; $i++) {
            $serviceTye = Util::unpackUint16($data);
            $service = $servicesObj[$serviceTye];
            if ($service == null) {
                return false;
            $this->services[$serviceTye] = $service;
        return true;

class Util
    public static function assertEqual($expected, $actual)
        $debug = debug_backtrace();
        $info = "\n- File:" . basename($debug[1]["file"]) . ", Func:" . $debug[1]["function"] . ", Line:" . $debug[1]["line"];
        if ($expected != $actual) {
            echo $info . "\n  Assert failed" . "\n    Expected :" . $expected . "\n    Actual   :" . $actual;
        } else {
            echo $info . "\n  Assert ok";

    public static function packUint16($x)
        return pack("v", $x);

    public static function unpackUint16(&$data)
        $up = unpack("v", substr($data, 0, 2));
        $data = substr($data, 2);
        return $up[1];

    public static function packUint32($x)
        return pack("V", $x);

    public static function unpackUint32(&$data)
        $up = unpack("V", substr($data, 0, 4));
        $data = substr($data, 4);
        return $up[1];

    public static function packInt16($x)
        return pack("s", $x);

    public static function unpackInt16(&$data)
        $up = unpack("s", substr($data, 0, 2));
        $data = substr($data, 2);
        return $up[1];

    public static function packString($str)
        return self::packUint16(strlen($str)) . $str;

    public static function unpackString(&$data)
        $len = self::unpackUint16($data);
        $up = unpack("C*", substr($data, 0, $len));
        $data = substr($data, $len);
        return implode(array_map("chr", $up));

    public static function packMapUint32($arr)
        $kv = "";
        foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
            $kv .= self::packUint16($key) . self::packUint32($val);
        return self::packUint16(count($arr)) . $kv;

    public static function unpackMapUint32(&$data)
        $len = self::unpackUint16($data);
        $arr = [];
        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
            $arr[self::unpackUint16($data)] = self::unpackUint32($data);
        return $arr;


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